Kelly McIntyre Mindful Photography

GrowBiz client Kelly McIntyre has completed a mindful photography practitioner course and is now certified to host her own mindful sessions.

Kelly says: “At its core, mindful photography is about slowing down, being in the moment and really looking at what’s around us. Life is so busy that we don’t have, or take time, to bring our awareness to the present moment. It isn’t about photographic technique or equipment, but how we can use our camera or smartphone as a tool towards enhancing our wellbeing, experiencing the process of creating photographs in a non-judgmental way, with gratitude and compassion.

“I’ve a found a real connection with people through my work as a photographer and videographer, and as a resident and trustee at Nest Creative Spaces. Studying to become a mindful photography practitioner solidified this connection between wellbeing, nature, creativity, and self-discovery, giving me a path to share this with others. Mindful photography can help us stay calm and mentally well, remain focused, motivated, creative, productive and deal with fear, anxiety, and depression.  

GrowBiz has been with me right from the start of my business journey, around 17 years. Throughout this time my business has developed and changed, and GrowBiz has always been there as a source of support and guidance, most recently with advice on becoming a social enterprise.

“The recent Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) course with The Care and Wellbeing Collective (run by GrowBiz) was a huge inspiration that I’ve drawn from for my practice.” 

Kelly’s mindful photography and participatory video workshops will be available soon for individuals, organisations, and community groups. 


Paula Anderson, Hatton House Art & Design


The Birks Cinema