Towards Net Zero

GrowBiz has placed an emphasis on environmental sustainability within the rural economy since its inception 16 years ago. In 2022 we recognised the significance and impact of the climate emergency and appointed a senior team member to lead our journey to Net Zero.

We have created a Net Zero Policy, implemented a reduce, reuse, recycle approach to purchasing and incorporated Net Zero into our logo to communicate our commitment to climate action.

Consideration of the climate emergency and the need for action underpins all of our  management practices including:

  • GrowBiz has  embraced a hybrid working model, which drastically cuts car journeys. Many of our learning sessions, 1-1 client interactions, networking and team meetings are held over video conferencing. 

  • The recent office refurbishment has focussed on the use of repurposed furnishings and energy saving appliances.  

  • The team is being supported and encouraged to engage in the climate conversation

  • Training for team members  to enable them to include discussion of the climate emergency in their skill set is embedded in team inductions and CPD

GrowBiz has developed a unique approach to community-based support for rural enterprise—which has been cited as a model of best practice by the European Network for Rural Development.

Our  approach to working with clients, communities and partners focusses on promoting and developing entrepreneurship and providing enterprise support designed to meet the needs of micro-enterprises, social enterprises and the self-employed in Scotland’s rural areas.

Consideration of the climate emergency and how to take climate action now form part of our peer learning and 1:1 support program as the opportunities for reducing costs, challenging suppliers and shared best practice all make for sound business decisions, as well as contributing to the reduction of waste and the circular economy.