Marketing: Get Specific + Be Efficient
This guide accompanies the learning session on 22nd June 2022 and is designed to help you become clearer about your targeting.
Knowing your customer
Examples of customer types:
Could waste your time
Finds saying ‘no’ hard
Likely to be loyal
The Driver
Assertive but not responsive
Comes across as unfriendly
Drives a hard bargain and wants to win!
Deals in facts
Avoids risks
Takes time to decide
Doesn’t like to be pushed
Impulsive buyer
Low boredom threshold
Buys concepts
Doesn’t listen
Doesn’t read the detail
Understanding your audience and how to reach them
Think about the 5 ‘W’s
Who do you know is right for you and your business?
As a business owner you focus on:
Making our product.
Refining our service.
Having concerns about money.
Trying to juggle it all.
The time it takes to do things.
But… we need to think about our customer!
What does your marketing look like?
Most people have no particular plan. Does this look familiar?
Facebook or Instagram posts?
Infrequent newsletters?
No blog?
No real content plan?
Not following / engaging with others?
Irregular input?
How do you market?
Most people adopt the scatter gun approach.
Target everybody - you’ll eventually find somebody.
You won’t be sure what message works.
Your customers will not necessarily be loyal - and will be promiscuous.
You’ll maybe find ones that want to haggle on price.
You have to keep sending out messages in the hope you’ll reach the right audience.
They won’t always be your ‘perfect’ customer.
Messaging styles
What messaging styles are you using?
Examples of brands with great messaging styles:
The Boozy Book Club - product and a service, subscription and collaboration
Ardross Farm Shop - look out for their social media
Laura Thomas, luxury homewares
2. Understanding your product or service
Features - V - benefits
Have a go at listing and writing down the features and then the benefits of one of your products or services that you offer to your clients.
What are the features?
What are the benefits?
How will the benefits, you now have, help you to construct some great and compelling content to share with your customers?
3. Further support
You can arrange a Thursday lunch time drop-in appointment with a GrowBiz team member at this link.
Or, you can contact the GrowBiz team to arrange a meeting at a time to suit you by calling: 01828 627 790 or emailing