September Support Session with The Kinross-shire Partnership and GrowBiz

Are you self employed or running a small business in rural Perth and Kinross? Or would you like to get a social enterprise off the ground? GrowBiz is teaming up with The Kinross-shire Partnership to provide enterprise support to anyone in the Kinross-shire area looking to start or grow a business.

A first drop-in support session is taking place on Thursday 7th September in the Avant Garde café and gifts shop at 55 High Street, Kinross, KY13 8AA. Come along and speak confidentially to a friendly and experienced GrowBiz advisor. Called Enterprise Facilitators, they are there to help.

You can ask an Enterprise Facilitator to help you make a funding application, give constructive feedback on a current project or idea, advise you on the best way to structure your business, and make recommendations on topics such as setting up your website, improving your social media, or switching to cloud accounting.

GrowBiz also provides a diverse range of online learning sessions, networking events and an award-winning mentoring programme. With funding support from Perth & Kinross Council, these services are all free and open to anyone interested in developing a business or social enterprise idea.


Could You Become a GrowBiz Mentor?


GrowBiz Serving Up an Inspirational Networking Opportunity